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[[S. Patwardhan and E. Riloff. EMNLP 2009]]
[[S. Patwardhan and E. Riloff. EMNLP 2009]]
[[R. Ghani. ICML 2002]]

Revision as of 13:46, 30 November 2010

Xuehan Xiong

Xiong xuehan.jpg

Basic Information

I am a second year Master student from the Robotics Institute. My research interests include Machine Learning and Computer Vision.

Current Research

My recent work include:

  • Automatically build 3D models for buildings given range data from a laser scanner.
  • 3D scene analysis of outdoor environment.

Papers added to the wiki in September

E. Minkov et al. HLT/EMNLP 2005

Entropy Minimization for Semi-supervised Learning

Z. Kou and W. Cohen. SDM 2007

Papers added to the wiki in October

J. Artiles et al. EMNLP 2009

C. Mota and R. Grishman. ACL-IJCNLP 2009

R. K. Ando and T. Zhang. ACL 2005

Papers added to the wiki in Nov

S. Patwardhan and E. Riloff. EMNLP 2009

R. Ghani. ICML 2002