Yano et al NAACL 2009

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Tae Yano, William Cohen, and Noah A. Smith. Predicting Response to Political Blog Posts with Topic Models. In Proc of NAACL 2009.

Online Version

Predicting Response to Political Blog Posts with Topic Models.


This Paper describes a topic model based approach in modeling the generation of blog text (posts and comments).

Brief description of the method

This paper expands upon LinkLDA, presented in Erosheva et al. (2004). Here, is a distribution over topics, is a multinomial distribution over post words, and is a multinomial distribution over (comment) users. and are the words counts in the post and all of its comments, respectively.

Link LDA.png

Although LinkLDA can model which users are likely to respond to a post, it does not model the comment text they will write. The authors expand on this by proposing CommentLDA, as shown below.

Comment LDA.png

In CommentLDA, note that the comment text is modeled by the distribution over comment words given topics, .

Experimental Result

Task: given a training dataset consisting of a collection of blog posts and their commenters and comments, and a unseen test dataset from a later time period, predict who is going to comment on a new blog post from the test set.

Dataset is available at

The compared models were:


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