Melia et al AISTATS 2001

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Marina Melia and Jianbo Shi. 2001. A Random Walks View of Spectral Segmentation. In AISTATS 2001.

Online version

Available on Marina Melia's Website


This paper gives a general theoretical interpretation of a wide variety of spectral methods. The authors first present the general framework of normalized cuts. We assume we are given an index set and similarity matrix where entry represents a similarity between item and item . We then seek a partition of into two sets . Minimizing the following criteria: <math> NCut(A, \overline{A}) = \left( \frac{1}{Vol(A)} + \frac{1}{vol(\overline{A})}\right) \sum_{i \in A; j \in \overline{A}} S_{ij} Vol(X) = \sum_{i \in X} \sum_{j\in I} S_{ij} <math>

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