Models of metaphor in NLP

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E. Shutova. 2010. Models of Metaphor in NLP. In Proceedings of ACL 2010, Uppsala, Sweden.

Online version

ACL anthology


This is a review paper of modeling metaphors in NLP. The author devised it into two main tasks: "metaphor recognition" and "metaphor interpretation".

Metaphor Recognition

Met* System (Fass, 1991)

Goatly (1997)

Peters & Peters (2000)

CorMet System (Mason, 2004)

TroFi System(Birke & Sarkar, 2006)

Gedigan et al. (2006)

Krishnakumaran & Zhu (2007)

Metaphor Interpretation

MIDAS System (Martin, 1990)

KARMA System (Narayanan, 1997), ATT-Meta (Barnden and Lee, 2002)

Veale and Hao (2008)

Shutova (2010)

Related papers

The widely cited Pang et al EMNLP 2002 paper was influenced by this paper - but considers supervised learning techniques. The choice of movie reviews as the domain was suggested by the (relatively) poor performance of Turney's method on movies.

An interesting follow-up paper is Turney and Littman, TOIS 2003 which focuses on evaluation of the technique of using PMI for predicting the semantic orientation of words.