Class Meeting for 10-802 01/18/2011
From Cohen Courses
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This is one of the class meetings on the schedule for the course Social Media Analysis 10-802 in Spring 2011.
- Pang & Lee survey, remainder. The lecture won't cover quite the same material, but I highly recommend reading this anyway.
Papers you might present
The Pang and Lee survey has a wealth of references. Some I recommend are:
- Andreevskaia, A., S. Bergler, and M. Urseanu. 2009. All Blogs Are Not Made Equal. In Proc Intern Conf on Weblogs and Social Media, San Jose.
- Danescu-Niculescu-Mizil, C., G. Kossinets, J. Kleinberg, and L. Lee. 2009. How Opinions are Received by Online Communities: A Case Study on Amazon. com Helpfulness Votes. WWW 2009.
- Esuli, A., and F. Sebastiani. 2006. SentiWordNet: A publicly available lexical resource for opinion mining. In Proceedings of LREC, 6: Vol. 6.
- Kessler, J. S, and N. Nicolov. 2009. Targeting Sentiment Expressions through Supervised Ranking of Linguistic Configurations. In Proceedings of the 3rd Intl. Conference on Weblogs and Social Media (ICWSM 2009), San Jose.
- Takamura, H., T. Inui, and M. Okumura. 2005. Extracting semantic orientations of words using spin model. In Proceedings of the 43rd Annual Meeting on Association for Computational Linguistics, 140.
- Yang, K., N. Yu, A. Valerio, H. Zhang, and W. Ke. 2007. Fusion approach to finding opinions in Blogosphere. In Proc Intern Conf on Weblogs and Social Media, Boulder, Colorado.