Rushin Shah
About me
My name is Rushin Shah, and I'm a second year LTI Master's student. I work in the field of entity extraction and resolution, and I'm really interested in performing research in these areas on new kinds of data, such as short message streams produced by social media websites. I'm also interested in analyzing the properties of social networks, and these are some of my main motivations for taking the Analysis of Social Media course. Also, I took the Information Extraction course last semester, and I'm interested to see if I can successfully apply the some of the techniques and algorithms taught in that class to social media.
This is my homepage and here's my resume. My areas of interest are machine learning, information extraction, natural language processing, social media and recommendation systems.
Blurb for Information Extraction, 2010:
I want to get an in-depth understanding of the various challenges, ideas and techniques covered in the field of information extraction. I'm currently working with Dr. Robert Frederking on multilingual named entity extraction and co-reference resolution. One particular problem that we're working on right now is cross-document co-reference resolution, and I hope to be able to apply the knowledge that I get from this course towards furthering our research.
Wiki Pages for Information Extraction
March 2011:
- Sun, E., I. Rosenn, C. A Marlow, and T. M Lento. Gesundheit! Modeling Contagion through Facebook News Feed. Proc. ICWSM 9.
- Lerman, K., and T. Hogg. 2010. Using a model of social dynamics to predict popularity of news. In Proceedings of the 19th international conference on World wide web, 621–630.
- Negative Binomial Regression
Presentation for Analysis of Social Media
Wiki Pages for Information Extraction
September 2010:
Frietag 2000 Maximum Entropy Markov Models for Information Extraction and Segmentation
Lafferty 2001 Conditional Random Fields
Within Document Coreference (WDC)
October 2010:
Cross Document Coreference (CDC)
November 2010:
Ravichandran and Hovy, ACL 2002: Learning Surface Text Patterns for a Question Answering System