Github Repo Recommendation:Topic Model meets Code
Item recommendation
Github is a social network site for programmers, where they can host source code repositories (also called repos). Users can watch repos they are interested in; when a user is watching a repo, s/he will receive status updates on its activities (such as commits, tagging, etc…).
In 2009, Github hosted a recommendation contest, where the objective was to recommend repositories to users. The dataset contained 56K users, 120K repositories, and 440K user-watches-repo relationships between them.
Collaborative filtering typically uses some form of matrix factorization technique, and ignores content (in this case, the repos). In this project, we propose to incorporate inherent topics of the source code (of repos) to improve predictions.
- The dataset from the Github contest is available at
Baseline Method
A collaborative-filtering based method, such as SVD
Proposed Method
I propose combining a search for negative sentiment within a sentence with a method of detecting whether the target of a sentence is a person as a proxy for ad hominem (negative sentiment aimed at persons, not ideas). In addition, I would like to try machine learning based on more advanced features, such as part-of-speech tags and inferred topic models, to build additional classifiers.
- As it may be expensive to perform topic modeling on 120K repos, we may perform prediction on a subset of this data
More info about the Github contest
More information about the Github contest is available below:
Related Work
- C Wang and D Blei, "Collaborative Topic Modeling for Recommending Scientific Articles", in KDD 2011
- E Linstead, P Rigor, S Bajracharya, C Lopes, and P Baldi, "Mining concepts from code with probabilistic topic models", ASE '07 Proceedings of the twenty-second IEEE/ACM international conference on Automated software engineering
- K Tian, M Revelle, and D Poshyvanyk, "Using latent dirichlet allocation for automatic categorization of software", MSR '09 Proceedings of the 2009 6th IEEE International Working Conference on Mining Software Repositories