Models of metaphor in NLP
From Cohen Courses
E. Shutova. 2010. Models of Metaphor in NLP. In Proceedings of ACL 2010, Uppsala, Sweden.
Online version
This is a review paper of modeling metaphors in NLP. The author devised it into two main tasks: "metaphor recognition" and "metaphor interpretation".
Metaphor Recognition
Met* System (Fass, 1991)
- Shutova thought it's the first attempt, but actually it's not the first one who explored this area.
- Using selectional preference and hand-coded knowledge base
- 3-Stage Approaches
- Detect selectional preference violation
- If find violations, tested for being a metonymic relation using hand-coded patterns
- If not metonymy, search the knowledge base for a relevant analogy in order to discriminate metaphorical relations
- Problem
- Detects any kind of non-literalness in language (metaphors, metonymies and others), and not only metaphors
- Fail to detect high conventionality of metaphor
Goatly (1997)
- Identify a set of linguistic cues indicate metaphor
- metaphorically speaking, utterly, completely, so to speak and, surprisingly, literally.
Peters & Peters (2000)
- Detect figurative language in the WordNet
- Search for systematic polysemy, which allows to capture metonymic and metaphorical relations
CorMet System (Mason, 2004)
- The first attempt for source-target domain mapping
- A corpus-based approach to find systematic variations in domain-specific selectional preferences
- Take Master Metaphor List (Lakoff et al., 1991) as baseline, and achieve an accuracy of 77% (judged by human)
TroFi System (Birke & Sarkar, 2006)
- Sentence clustering approach for non-literal language recognition
- Inspired by a similarity-based word sense disambiguation method
- Approach
- Use a set of seed sentences (human annotated)
- Compute similarity between (1) the sentence containing the word to be disambiguated and (2) all of the seed sentences
- Select the sense corresponding to the annotation in the most similar seed sentences
- F1-score = 0.538. But the task is not clearly defined.
Gedigan et al. (2006)
- A survey-like work about literal and metaphorical uses of verbs
- Method
- Extract the lexical items whose frames are related to MOTION and CURE from FrameNet (Fillmore et al., 2003).
- Search the PropBank Wall Street Journal corpus (Kingsbury and Palmer, 2002) for sentences containing such lexical items and annotated them with respect to metaphoricity (by hand).
- Used PropBank annotation as features to train the maximum entropy classifier
- Accuracy = 95.12%
- Very close to majority baseline (92.90%) => 92.00% of the verbs of MOTION and CURE in the Wall Street Journal corpus are used metaphorically.
Krishnakumaran & Zhu (2007)
- Deal with not only verbs, but also nouns and adjectives.
- Use hyponymy relation in WordNet and word bigram counts to predict metaphors at sentence level.
- Approach
- Noun-Noun: Given an IS-A metaphor, verify if the two nouns involved are in hyponymy relation in WordNet, if not, tag as a metaphor
- Verb-Noun and Adjective-Noun: Calculate bigram probabilities of verb-noun and adj-noun pairs, if the pair has low frequency, tag as a metaphor
- Fail to capture conventionalized metaphors (loose information compared of parsed text)
Metaphor Interpretation
MIDAS System (Martin, 1990)
- A Metaphor Interpretation, Denotation and Acquisition System (MIDAS)
- Capture hierarchical organization of conventional metaphors
- Idea
- More specific conventional metaphors descend from the general ones
- Approach (modeling how novel metaphors are acquired)
- Given a metaphor example, search for a corresponding metaphor that would explain the anomaly.
- If not find: abstract it from the example to more general concepts and repeats search.
- If find a suitable general metaphor: create a mapping for its descendant (a more specific metaphor) based on this example.
- MIDAS has been integrated with the Unix Consultant (UC), the system that answers questions about Unix.
KARMA System (Narayanan, 1997), ATT-Meta (Barnden and Lee, 2002)
- Performing inferences about entities and events in the source and target domains for metaphor interpretation.
- Metaphor-based reasoning framework
- Approach
- Reasoning process relies on manually coded knowledge of the source domain.
- The results are then projected onto the target domain (using the conceptual mapping representation).
- Problems
- ATT-Meta concerns metaphorical and metonymic description of mental states and reasoning about mental states using first order logic. But they can not take natural language sentences as input.
- KARMA doesn't have this problem, it takes parsed text as input.
Talking Points (Veale and Hao, 2008)
- Fluid knowledge representation for metaphor interpretation and generation
- Approach
- From WordNet and from the web, extract a set of characteristics of (1) concepts belonging to source and target domains and (2) related facts about the world.
- Talking Points are then organized in Slipnet, a framework that allows for a number of insertions, deletions and substitutions in definitions of such characteristics in order to establish a connection between the target and the source concepts.
- Problem
Not evaluate to which extent their knowledge base are useful.
Shutova (2010)
- Defines metaphor interpretation as a paraphrasing task
- Derive literal paraphrases for metaphorical expression
- Approach
- Given a context, apply a probabilistic model to rank all possible paraphrases for the metaphorical expression
- Use automatically induced selectional preferences to discriminate between figurative and literal paraphrases
- Tested on metaphors expressed by a verb, and achieve an accuracy of 0.81.
Metaphor Resources
- Metaphor is a knowledge-hungry phenomenon.
- Two type of resources are needed
- Extensive manually-created knowledge-base (easier, most work is of this type)
- Robust knowledge acquisition system for interpretation of metaphorical expressions (much harder)
- Although hand-coded knowledge is useful for metaphor interpretation, it has a very limited coverage.
Master Metaphor List (Lakoff et al., 1991)
- Includes a classification of metaphorical mappings (mainly those related to mind, feelings and emotions) with the corresponding examples of language use.
- Problem: lack of clear structuring principles of the mapping ontology
- The taxonomical levels are often confused
- The same classes are referred to by different class labels
- (Consquence) Not suitable for computational use.
- The idea and its actual mappings ontology inspired a lot of other work
MetaBank (Martin, 1994) & Mental Metaphor Databank
- Created in the framework of the ATT-meta project
- A knowledge-base of English metaphorical conventions
- Represented in the form of metaphor maps (Martin, 1988) which contains detailed information about source-target concept mappings
Other Language
- There has been a wealth of research on metaphor in Spanish, Chinese, Russian, German, French and Italian.
- German and French: Hamburg Metaphor Database (L¨onneker, 2004; Reining and L¨onneker-Rodman,2007)
- Contain examples of metaphorical expressions which are mapped to senses from EuroWordNet and annotated with source–target domain mappings (taken from the Master Metaphor List.)
- Italian: Alonge and Castelli (2003)
- Discuss how metaphors can be represented in ItalWordNet
Metaphor Annotation in Corpora
- Two distinct aspects of the phenomenon, two stages of metaphor annotation
- Identify metaphorical senses in text (akin word sense disambiguation)
- Annotating source–target domain mappings of it
- Traditional approaches to metaphor annotation is manually search for:
- Lexical items used metaphorically
- Source and target domain vocabulary
- Linguistic markers of metaphor
Metaphor & Polysemy
- Two kinds of metaphorical language
- Novel (or poetic) metaphors (surprise our imagination)
- Conventionalized metaphors (become a part of an ordinary discourse)
- Over time some of the aspects of the target domain are added to the meaning of a term in a source domain, resulting in a (metaphorical) sense extension of this term.
- It is often unclear that if a metaphorical instance is:
- A case of broadening of the sense in context due to general vagueness, or
- It manifests a formation of a new distinct metaphorical sense
Metaphor Identification
Pragglejaz Procedure (2007)
- A metaphor identification procedure (MIP)
- Metaphor annotation at the word level
- Annotators guidelines
- For each verb establish its meaning in context and try to imagine a more basic meaning of this verb on other contexts. Basic meanings normally are: (1) more concrete; (2) related to bodily action; (3) more precise (as opposed to vague); (4) historically older.
- If you can establish the basic meaning that is distinct from the meaning of the verb in this context, the verb is likely to be used metaphorically.
Source - Target Domain Vocabulary
- Lists of source and target domain vocabulary
- Support the metaphor extraction technique that search for sentences containing lexical items from the source domain, the target domain, or both.
- Martin (2006)
- A corpus study in order to confirm that metaphorical expressions occur in text in contexts containing such lexical items.
- Goal
- Evaluate predictive ability of contexts containing vocabulary from source domain and target domain
- Estimate the likelihood of a metaphorical expression following another metaphorical expression described by the same mapping
- Data: Wall Street Journal (WSJ) corpus
- Focus on four conceptual metaphors
- Method
- Manually compile the lists of terms characteristic for each domain by examining sampled metaphors of these types
- Augment them through the use of thesaurus
- Search the WSJ for sentences containing vocabulary from these lists
- Checked whether the sentences contain metaphors of the above types
- Result
NUMERICAL-VALUE-AS-LOCATION type has the best result, P(Metaphor|Source) = 0.069, P(Metaphor|Target) = 0.677, P(Metaphor|Metaphor) = 0.703
Annotating Source and target Domains
- Wallington et al. (2003)
- Two teams of annotators:
- Team A
Asked to annotate “interesting stretches”, whereby a phrase was considered interesting if- its significance in the document was non-physical
- it could have a physical significance in another context with a similar syntactic frame
- this physical significance was related to the abstract one.
- Team B
Annotate phrases according to their own intuitive definition of metaphor
- Also annotate the source – target domain mappings
Annotators were given a set of mappings from the Master Metaphor List, and were asked to assign the most suitable ones. - Problem
- Not report the level of inter-annotator agreement
- Not report the coverage of the mappings in the Master Metaphor List
- Shutova and Teufel (2010)
- Different approach to the annotation of source – target domain mappings
- Not rely on predefined mappings
- Derive independent sets of most common source and target categories
- 2-stage Procedure
- Metaphors are first identified using MIP
- The source domain and the target domain are selected from the lists of categories
- Inter-annotator agreement (Kappa) = 0.61
- Different approach to the annotation of source – target domain mappings
Conclusion and Future Direction
- There is still a clear need in:
- Unified metaphor annotation procedure
- Large publicly available metaphor corpus
- Some future directions
- Automatic acquisition of an extensive set of valid metaphorical associations from linguistic data via statistical pattern matching
- Using the knowledge of these associations for metaphor recognition in the unseen unrestricted text
- Interpretation of the identified metaphorical expressions by deriving the closest literal paraphrase
Related papers
- Birte Loenneker-Rodman and Srini Narayanan (2012). Computational Models of Figurative Language, Cambridge Encyclopedia of Psycholinguistics (2012). Spivey, M., Joannisse, M., McRae, K. (eds.), Cambridge Univeristy Press, Cambridge.