Class meeting for 10-605 Subsampling a Graph
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- Samping from Large Graphs, Jure Leskovec and Christos Faloutsos, KDD 2006.
- Local Graph Partitioning using PageRank Vectors, Andersen, Chung, Lang, FOCS 2006
- Andersen, Reid, Fan Chung, and Kevin Lang. "Local partitioning for directed graphs using PageRank." Algorithms and Models for the Web-Graph. Springer Berlin Heidelberg, 2007. 166-178.
Key things to remember
- How to implement graph algorithms like PageRank by streaming through a graph, under various conditions:
- Vertex weights fit in memory
- Vertex weights do not fit in memory
- The meaning of various graph statistics: degree distribution, clustering coefficient, ...
- Why sampling from a graph is non-trivial if you want to preserve properties of the graph like
- Degree distribution
- Homophily as measured by clustering coefficient,
- What local graph partitioning is and how the PageRank-Nibble algorithm, together with sweeps to optimize conductance, can be used to approximately solve it.
- The implications of the analysis of PageRank-Nibble.