Class meeting for 10-405 Deep Learning
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- Lecture 1: Powerpoint, PDF.
- Lecture 2: Powerpoint, PDF
- Lecture 3: Powerpoint, PDF (draft)
- Quiz for lecture 3 - draft
Sample code
- Automatic differentiation:
- William's notes on automatic differentiation, and the Python code for a simple Wengart list generator and a sample use of a one.
- Domke's blog post - clear but not much detail - and another nice blog post.
- The clearest paper I've found is Reverse-Mode AD in a Functional Framework: Lambda the Ultimate Backpropagator
- More general neural networks:
- Neural Networks and Deep Learning An online book by Michael Nielsen, pitched at an appropriate level for 10-601, which has a bunch of exercises and on-line sample programs in Python.
- For much much more detail, look at the MIT Press book (in preparation) from Bengio - it's very complete but also fairly technical.
Things to remember
- The underlying reasons deep networks are hard to train
- Exploding/vanishing gradients
- Saturation
- The importance of key recent advances in neural networks:
- Matrix operations and GPU training
- ReLU, cross-entropy, softmax
- How backprop can be generalized to a sequence of assignment operations (autodiff)
- Wengert lists
- How to evaluate and differentiate a Wengert list
- Common architectures
- Multi-layer perceptron
- Recursive NNs (RNNS) and Long/short term memory networks (LSTMs)
- Convolutional Networks (CNNs)