C. Mota and R. Grishman. ACL-IJCNLP 2009

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C. Mota & R. Grishman. Updating a Name Tagger Using Contemporary Unlabeled Data. In Proceedings of the ACL-IJCNLP 2009 Conference Short Papers, 2009.

Online version

updating name tagger using unlabeled data



In this paper, the authors tried to discover the roles of unlabeled data from different periods in semi-supervised learning on Name Entity Tagging task.

In the experiments, they use CETEMPublico dataset. They draw test set from the most recent epoch and varying the seeds set or the unlabeled data. They found out:

  1. In training, adding more recent unlabeled data outperforms the strategy of adding contemporary labeled data.
  2. Adding more older unlabeled data did not improve the performance compared with adding a smaller set of contemporary unlabeled data.
