Class Meeting for 10-710 09-13-2011
From Cohen Courses
This is one of the class meetings on the schedule for the course Syllabus for Structured Prediction 10-210 in Fall 2011.
Dependency Nets and Pseudo-likelihood
Required Readings
- Kristina Toutanova, Dan Klein, Christopher D. Manning, and Yoram Singer. 2003. Feature-Rich Part-of-Speech Tagging with a Cyclic Dependency Network. In Proceedings of HLT-NAACL 2003 pages 252-259. [1]
- Dependency Networks for Inference, Collaborative Filtering, and Data Visualization. David Heckerman, David Maxwell Chickering, Christopher Meek, Robert Rounthwaite, Carl Kadie; in JMLR, 1(Oct):49-75, 2000. [2]
- LSP:
- Pseudolikelihood is covered in 3.5.6.
- Gibbs sampling is covered in 4.2.4, but in the context of unsupervised learning (so it may be tricky to read this section now).