Class Meeting for 10-710 10-11-2011
From Cohen Courses
This is one of the class meetings on the schedule for the course Structured Prediction 10-710 in Fall 2011.
Natural Language Parsing with Context-Free Grammars
Required Readings
Optional Readings
- Statistical Parsing with a Context-free Grammar and Word Statistics, E. Charniak, AAAI 1997
- PCFG Models of Linguistic Tree Representations, M. Johnson, Computational Linguistics 1998
- A Maximum-Entropy-Inspired Parser, E. Charniak, NAACL 2000
- Fast Exact Inference with a Factored Model for Natural Language Parsing, D. Klein and C. D. Manning, NIPS 2002
- Head-Driven Statistical Models for Natural Language Parsing, M. Collins, Computational Linguistics 2003 (a journal version of the parsers in his 1999 Ph.D. thesis, found in papers in 1996 and 1997)
- Accurate Unlexicalized Parsing, D. Klein and C. D. Manning, ACL 2003
- Max Margin Parsing, B. Taskar, D. Klein, M. Collins, D. Koller, and C. D. Manning, EMNLP 2004
- Efficient, Feature-based, Conditional Random Field Parsing, J. R. Finkel, A. Kleeman, and C. D. Manning, ACL 2008