Class meeting for 10-405 Review session for final
From Cohen Courses
This is one of the class meetings on the schedule for the course Machine Learning with Large Datasets 10-405 in Spring 2018.
Information on the final
For general tips, you should look over my slides from the midterm review session. The exam is closed book but you can take in two sheets of 8.5x11" or A4 paper (front and back). The exam is 80 minute at the usual class time and location.
Practice questions from 10-605 (some questions removed, so these don't exactly reflect the length of the exam):
- practice questions for final, 2014.
- practice questions for final, 2015.
- practice questions for final, 2016.
- practice questions for final, 2017 (answer key).
- practice questions for final, 2018 (answer key).
The final is cumulative (but about 80% will be from after the midterm) so some of the questions on the midterms are also relevant:
It's also good to review the quizzes, and the review points on the web pages for the lectures.