Featurized HMM

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This is a method proposed in Berg-Kirkpatrick, ACL 2010.

Featurized HMMs are generative probabilistic models that generalize conventional HMMs by replacing the multinomial conditional probability distributions (CPDs) with miniature log-linear models.


In the following text, stands for a random observation sequence, and stands for a random state sequence. Their lower-case counterparts stands for possible values of the observations and states.

Assuming a special starting state , an HMM defines a joint probability over and :

While a conventional HMM defines the transition probabilities and emission probabilities as multinomial distributions, a featurized HMM defines these probabilities in terms of a collection of features and their weights :

For conciseness, the tuples and are written as (standing for decision, context, and type respectively):

Relationship to Conventional HMMs

A conventional HMM is a special case of a featurized HMM (as long as no zero transition or emission probability is involved). We get a conventional HMM if we:

  • Use the set of "basic" features, i.e. indicator functions of all tuples and ;
  • Set the weights of the features as the logarithm of the corresponding transition or emission probabilities.

The Estimation Problem

The estimation problem involves finding the marginal probability for a given observation sequence , with the model parameters known.

The forward-backward algorithm for conventional HMMs is directly applicable to featurized HMMs.

The Decoding Problem

The decoding problem involves finding the most probable state sequence given the observation sequence , with the model parameters known:

The Viterbi algorithm for conventional HMMs is directly applicable to featurized HMMs.

The Training Problem

The (unsupervised) training problem involves finding a set of model parameters to maximize the likelihood of the training observations :

Or, the objective function can be a regularized version of the log-likelihood:

The EM algorithm (also called Baum-Welch algorithm) for unsupervised training of conventional HMMs can be adapted for featurized HMMs. The E-step calculates the expected count for each tuple , which makes use of the forward-backward algorithm. The M-step tries to increase the following auxiliary function:

whose gradient w.r.t. is:

Two versions of EM algorithms are proposed in Berg-Kirkpatrick, ACL 2010:

Featurized HMM EM.png

The subroutine "climb" represents one step in any generic optimization algorithm, such as gradient ascent or LBFGS.

The differences between the two algorithms are:

  • In the M-step, Algorithm 1 iterates until the auxiliary function converges to a local maximum, while Algorithm 2 performs only one iteration.
  • The M-step of Algorithm 2 is formulated to increase the objective function directly, instead of increasing the auxiliary function. Nevertheless, the appendix gives a proof that the gradients of the objective and auxiliary functions are identical.

Algorithm 2 is shown to perform better [Berg-Kirkpatrick, ACL 2010]. It can also be expected to converge faster -- anyway, the E-step changes the auxiliary function by changing the expected counts, so there's no point in finding a local maximum of the auxiliary function in each iteration (this sentence is the opinion of Maigo). However, in cases when the E-step is significantly more time-consuming than the M-step, Algorithm 1 may be preferred.


Something I realized about Featurized HMM's versus CRF's.... I think CRF decoding is faster. For a Featurized HMM, you have to compute per-word partition functions for every word, where the partition function sums over the vocabulary. Not trivial. But a CRF doesn't have this, Viterbi just does scoring without having to do local normalization. So, a CRF's global normalization makes learning trickier, but decoding easier. Featurized HMM's local normalization makes learning easier but decoding harder. Hmmm. --Brendan 18:50, 13 October 2011 (UTC)