GHC Hadoop cluster information

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Revision as of 12:18, 11 February 2014 by Wcohen (talk | contribs)
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Status: all students registered for 10-605 should have accounts on these machines --Wcohen (talk) 11:18, 11 February 2014 (EST)

Anyone can log into these machines with their Andrew account. Registered 10-605 students will also have a HDFS home directory. To use Hadoop you need a small amount of setup: here's a working .bashrc file. [Your default shell may or may not be bash - that's just what I use - W].

export PATH=$PATH:/usr/local/hadoop/bin
export JAVA_HOME=/usr/lib/jvm/jre-sun
export CLASSPATH=`ls -1 /usr/local/hadoop/*.jar|perl -ne 'do{chop;print $sep,$_;$sep=":";}'`

We recommend running some simple job very soon to verify your setup (and also make sure that the permissions and access for your account are set properly). For instance, to copy a sharded version of the rcv1 data from William's HDFS account to yours:

hadoop jar /usr/local/hadoop/contrib/streaming/hadoop-streaming-1.0.1.jar \
-mapper cat -reducer cat -numReduceTasks 10 -input /user/wcohen/rcv1/small/unsharded -output tmp-output

FQDNs are ghc{01..81} There will be a user directory for you already under your andrew id.

The NameNode and Map/Reduce Admin. URLs:


  • 25 nodes have 12 Intel Xeon cores @ 3.20GHZ, 12288KB cache. 12GB RAM.
  • 56 nodes have 4 Intel Xeon cores @ 2.67GHz, with 8192KB cache. Also 12GB RAM.