Midterm 805 project report

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For the midterm report the deliverables are:

  • A list of the final team members (names and Andrew ids, and whether they are in 605 or 805).
  • A discussion of the dataset you are using, presented in language that would be appropriate for the experimental section of your final paper.
  • A discussion of related work, presented in language that would be appropriate for the experimental section of your final paper, along with relevant citations.
  • Experimental results for any baseline technique you plan to build on and/or compare to for the dataset.
  • A short informal discussion (less than one page) of other progress made on the project to date.

Any format is ok, but really, why not use the final format? then your final paper will be at least started.

Grading: This deliverable is primarily for you, not me, but your final project grade will be lowered if the midterm report is late or inadequate.