Tips for writing wiki pages

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Before you start

Look at some example pages to get an idea for what's expected. Search in the wiki to see if it's already there - or if something very related is already there.

Naming your page

Name your page something that would be reasonable citation entry, including at least the first author and the year, as in the examples. Squeeze in a conference name or an abbreviation of a journal if it's someplace easily recognizable to the audience - that will help them remember. You can move you page later if you need to, so this isn't critical.

Semantic links

If the page describes a paper, include a link of the form [[Category::paper]], like this: "This seminal [[Category::paper]] by Cohen is one of the finest...". The other valid category links are [[Category::method]] and [[Category::dataset]].

If the paper makes use of some learning method or analysis method that should be described on a separate wiki page, then add a link like this one [[UsesMethod::pointwise mutual information]]