UsesDataset: Dataset HurstandNigam 2004

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This is a Dataset used in M._Hurst_and_K._Nigam._Retrieving_topical_sentiments_from_online_document_collection

16, 616 sentences from 982 messages from online resources(usenet, online message boards, etc.) about a certain topic. Manual annotation of 250 Randomly selected sentences each with following labels

  1. Polarity Identification: positive, negative
  2. Topic Identification: Topical, Out-of-Topic
  3. Polarity and Topic Identification:
    1. positive-correlated : If sentences contained a positive polar segment that referred to the topic
    2. negative-correlated : If sentences contained a negative polar segment that referred to the topic
    3. positive-uncorrelated : If positive polarity detected but that it was not associated with the topic in question
    4. negative-uncorrelated : If negative polarity detected but that it was not associated with the topic in question