Wka project

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Course Project: Temporal relation extraction

Many NLP applications such as text summarization, question-answering, event tracking, and maybe ontology extraction depend on, or can greatly benefit from modeling time properly within the context of a document. The 3 types of temporal relations, according to the SemEval 2007 (see TimeEval ref below) shared task are:

  • Task A: between an event and a time expression within the same sentence
  • Task B: between an event and the document creation time
  • Task C: between a pair of events in adjacent sentences

We want to experiment with existing extraction methods and attempt to add new/improve existing methods.


  • TimeBank. http://www.timeml.org/site/timebank/timebank.html
    • Few hundreds of documents annotated with event and time-related tags in TimeML
    • Annotations are sparse and defficient in this dataset, and the corpus is known for relatively low inter-annotator agreement.
      • [Chambers and Jurafsky] address this problem using transitive closures to expand the training data, and by using annotations from [Bethard et al.].
  • Others might be available


Work on this project will take 3 directions:

  • Expansion of the (small) dataset
  • Features to be extracted and used: verb attributes, time expressions, syntax trees, etc
    • Along with tools needed: POS tagging, parsing, etc
  • Learning methods
    • will depend on feasibility within project time constraints and learning achieved in first period


Various methods have been used for learning in the literature

  • Markov Logic Networks
  • Integer Linear Programming
  • Syntactic-Semantic Analysis
  • Maximum Entropy, SVMs, etc


One person (user:wka).


  • [1] Verhagen et al. SemEval-2007 Task 15: TempEval Temporal Relation Identification.
  • [2] Yoshikawa et al. Jointly identifying temporal relations with Markov logic.
  • [3] Chambers and Jurafsky. Jointly combining implicit constraints improves temporal ordering.
  • [4] I. Mani. Recent developments in temporal information extraction.
  • [5] G. Puscasu. WVALI: Temporal relation identification by syntactico-semantic analysis.
  • [6] Bethard and Martin. CU-TMP: Temporal relation classification using syntactic and semantic features.
  • [7] Mani et al. Machine learning of temporal relations.
  • [8] Richardson and Domingos. Markov logic networks.
  • [9] J.F. Allen, 1993. Maintaining knowledge about temporal intervals.
  • [10] Allen and Hayes. A common-sense theory of time.
  • [11] I. Mani and G. Wilson. Robust temporal processing of news.
  • [12] Hwang and Schubert, 1992. Tense trees as the "fine Structure" of discourse.
  • [13] Bethard et al. Timelines from text: identification of syntactic temporal relations.