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[[RelatedPaper::Jansche 2002 Information extraction from voicemail transcripts]]
[[RelatedPaper::Jansche 2002 Information extraction from voicemail transcripts]]
[[RelatedPaper::Sha 2002 Shallow Parsing with Conditional Random Fields]]
[[RelatedPaper::Sha 2003 Shallow Parsing with Conditional Random Fields]]

Revision as of 00:25, 24 October 2010

Bo Lin

Skype profile.jpg

Home Page (Old Link)

Basic Information

Hi! I am Bo Lin, a second year masters student in LTI. I am hoping to see how is the latest technology in information extraction and whether I could apply them into possible new context like social media in the future.

Current Research and Past Work

My current work for my masters is on co-reference resolution, including within-document and cross-document, evaluation metrics and the visualization of entity correlations.

My past work includes language modeling (on CIKM2008) and machine transliteration (on ACL2009).

Papers added to the wiki in September:

Visualization of Social Net

Automatic Evaluation Method

LIBSVM -- A Library for Support Vector Machines

Jansche 2002 Information extraction from voicemail transcripts

Sha 2003 Shallow Parsing with Conditional Random Fields