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Who Am I
I'm a student in the LTI, working part-time on a Master's degree. The rest of the time I'm a software engineer at M*Modal in Squirrel Hill. We create software for medical transcription and other medical applications. We have begun fairly recently to do more NLP-related tasks.
I'm in this class because I enjoy learning about various different machine learning applications. Plus, I'm hoping to pick up some new and different techniques to help M*Modal's NLP team.
As of right now, my project will be based around using structured prediction methods to aid in automated extraction of templates for information extraction (very meta).
Wiki pages
- "A Maximum Entropy Approach to Natural Language Processing", Adam Berger, Stephen Della Pietra, and Vincent Della Pietra; Computational Linguistics, (22-1), March 1996
- "Unsupervised Search-based Structured Prediction", Hal Daume III, ICML 2009