Syllabus for Machine Learning with Large Datasets 10-605 in Fall 2016

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This is the syllabus for Machine Learning with Large Datasets 10-605 in Fall 2016.


  • Homeworks, unless otherwise posted, will be due when the next HW comes out.
  • Lecture notes and/or slides will be (re)posted around the time of the lectures.
  • Classes are cancelled for Oct 27
  • No classes will be held on Nov 24 (Thanksgiving)

Schedule for 805 projects:

  • 11:59pm Sun 10/2: Initial 805 project proposal due.
  • 11:59pm Sun 10/16: Final 805 project proposal due.
    • This is a revised writeup that will address any comments William raises from the initial proposal.
  • 11:59pm Sun 11/13: Midterm 805 project report due.
  • 1:30-2:50pm Tues 12/6: Project presentations (in class). One presentation per group, 12minutes per presentation. Please send your slide deck to William by 10am 12/6 (PDF is best).
  • 11:59pm Sun 12/11: Final 805 project writeup due.

Schedule for lectures and 605 assignments: