Syllabus for Machine Learning 10-601B in Spring 2016

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This is the syllabus for Machine Learning 10-601 in Spring 2016.


In progress....

Teaching team: also see the Google Doc Spreadsheet

Schedule for 10-601
Date Main Topic of Lecture Lecturer Assignment TAs
M 1/11 10-601 Course Overview Nina
W 1/13 Intro to Probability William HW1 will be similar to this Will, Han
M 1/18 Martin Luther King Day
W 1/20 The Naive Bayes algorithm William HW2: implementing naive Bayes Travis, Maria
M 1/25 Logistic Regression William
W 1/27 Perceptrons and SVMs William
M 2/1 10-601 Kernels Nina
W 2/3 Linear Regression Nina HW3: implementing logistic regression and kernel perceptrons Tianshu, Will
M 2/8 10-601 Neural Nets 1 Nina
W 2/10 10-601 Neural Nets 2 Nina
M 2/15 10-601 Ensembles Nina
W 2/17 Theory 1 Nina HW4: Theory
M 2/22 Theory 2 Nina
W 2/24 10-601 Midterm Review Nina
M 2/29 Midterm exam
W 3/2 Unsupervised Learning: k-Means and Mixtures Nina
M 3/7 Semi-Supervised Learning Nina
W 3/9 10-601 Active Learning Nina
M 9/30 K-NN, Decision Trees, and Rule Learning William
W 10/9 Bias-Variance Decomposition Eric (William out) HW6: PAC and VC dimension
M 10/21 Unsupervised Learning: k-Means and Mixtures Eric
W 10/23 Unsupervised Learning: Dimensionality Reduction Eric

Project milestone 2: Description, Classifier assignments, and Datasets for Milestone 2

W 10/30 Collaborative Filtering and Matrix Factorization William Project milestone 3 Milestone3 Handout
M 11/4 Graphical Models 1 Eric
W 11/6 Graphical Models 2 Eric HW7: Graphical Models (due Nov. 13th before class via BlackBoard)
M 11/11 HMMS, Sequences, and Structured Output Prediction William
W 11/13 d-separation, Explaining away, and Topic Models William Project milestone 4
M 11/18 Network Models Eric
W 11/20 Review Session/Special Topics Eric
M 11/25 Not-quite-final Exam


W 11/27 No class - Thanksgiving
M 12/2 Markov Decision Processes and Reinforcement Learning Eric
W 12/4 Scalable Learning and Parallelization William Milestones 5-6 Description
Mon 12/9 Milestone 5 due
Tue 12/10 Milestone 6 (writeup) due

To other instructors: if you'd like to use any of the materials found here, you're absolutely welcome to do so, but please acknowledge their ultimate source somewhere.


Linear Classifiers

A probabilistic view of linear classification:

Another view of classification:
